Resource Links

The BC Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP-BC) is a not-for profit provincial organization dedicated to raising the awareness of the importance of community-based Family Resource Programs
BC Child Care Resource & Referral Programs offer quality child care referrals, resources and support to all child care providers and parents in over 170 communities across the Province of British Columbia
The parent-child relationship is the most powerful influence on child development. To do the best possible job, parents and the people who support them need the best possible tools and resources. Go to Parents Matter for useful sites and materials, directory of family resource programs and more
For information on childcare subsidy, adoption and other government services, please visit Ministry of Children and Family Development website Safe Strong and Supported at
The Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative (KBCSC) is an organization directed by its members to provide resources and services to people in the southeastern part of British Columbia known as the West Kootenay and Boundary regions. Its mission is to work to strengthen its members and address issues of social well-being in the Kootenay-Boundary region
Check out Success by 6 website for directory of program for children and more
Talking little feet program is for families whose heritage is First nations, Metis or Inuit with an aim to promote healthy babies and preschoolers

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