
Search through our catalog to find helpful resources throughout the region. You can select one or more communities to narrow your search.

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Trail Family and Individual Resource Society (FAIR) – Trail FAIR offers: family counselling and support services,
dental access fund, Bright Beginnings preschool program, pregnancy outreach (Building Beautiful Babies program), Children Who Witness Abuse program, a regional crisis line, Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program and the Trail & Castlegar Childcare Resource & Referral.

Phone: (250) 364-2326
Address: 2079 Columbia Avenue, Trail, BC V1R 1K7

Trail Food Bank – Call for days and hours of operation.


Phone: (250) 364-0445
Address: 730 Rossland Ave, Trail, BC V1R 3N3

Trail United Church Food Bank – Trail United Church Food Bank open on Tuesdays.

Phone: (250) 368-3225
Address: 1300 Pine Avenue, Trail, BC V1R 4E7

W.E. Graham Community Service Society – Provides programs and services for families in the Slocan Valley including a Learning Centre, Licensed childcare facility, Youth Centre and the Slocan Valley Food Cupboard.

Phone: (250) 355-2484
Address: 1001 Harold Street, Slocan, BC V0G 2C0

WINS Transition House – WINS Transition House is a 24 hour shelter in Trail for women (with or without children and pets) leaving abusive or violent relationships; outreach services and hosts a weekly drop-in group for women who choose not to stay at the Transition House.

Please call if you require further information

Phone: (250) 364-1543

Women’s Centre – A safe space for women, resources, free clothing/ food for women and children

Phone: (250) 352-9916
Address: 420 Mill Street, Nelson, BC V1L 4R9

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